Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It’s Farmer’s Market Time!

The weather is warming up and that can mean only one thing: summer is coming and with it farmer’s markets will be popping up all over the landscape. Farmer’s markets are a great opportunity for communities to bring consumers together with local growers, bakers, beekeepers, ranchers, and more. Buying at your farmer’s market supports the local economy, promotes a health environment (by purchasing those blueberries and peaches from a local farm rather than those trucked to Walmart from 1500 miles away), and gives you the opportunity to meet the person who grows your food. Concerned about pesticides and chemical fertilizers? Just ask. More and more growers are following organic growing practices, but cannot afford the fees for USDA organic certification, allowing them to use the familiar organic logo.

There are at least two summer markets near my home and last Saturday I visited one of them. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much there in the way of produce, but I found a local baker who makes excellent bread. I will definitely be buying from her again.

If you don’t have a farmer’s market in your area, you can still buy local seasonal produce at your natural foods market. My Whole Foods hosts a farmer’s market once a week during the summer, and year round they clearly mark local produce and other products in the store. Prominent signage also keeps customers informed about what produce is in season at the moment.
What about you? Do you shop at farmer’s markets?

1 comment:

  1. i visited a farmer's market yesterday. One of the first of our season. It's great to buy local produce.
